• Original research article
  • December 28, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the analysis of carnivalization as one of the main mechanisms for metaphors creation in children’s poetry in the cognitive aspect. The paper uses a relatively little-known, but promising method for analysing metaphors in language and text using semantic bases. The main objectives of the work are the classification and analysis of the contexts for carnivalization use in the poems of the modern American poets about school. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that in children’s poetry, in addition to the purely aesthetic function, the use of the metaphors based on the carnivalization principle performs didactic, psychotherapeutic and socializing functions.


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Author information

Marina Aleksandrovna Pakhomova

The Anglo-American School

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 26, 2018.
  • Published: December 28, 2018.


  • англоязычная поэзия
  • современная детская поэзия
  • карнавализация
  • стихотворения о школе
  • метафора
  • семантическая база
  • когнитивная теория метафоры
  • English-language poetry
  • modern children’s poetry
  • carnivalization
  • poems about school
  • metaphor
  • semantic base
  • cognitive theory of metaphor


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© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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