• Original research article
  • December 28, 2018
  • Open access



The article deals with the problem of inauthentic speech aggression as one of the forms of accepted verbal behaviour in computer-mediated communication. Inauthentic speech aggression refers to a type of antagonistic verbal behaviour, which, however, does not offend the addressee. Analysing discussion topics from the German-language imageboard kohlchan.net , the author identifies the communicative strategies that are used by the communicants to express the sense of solidarity, which is achieved through the expression of negative attitude towards a phenomenon or a person.


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Author information

Tamara Shamilevna Gabdrafikova

Moscow City University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 14, 2018.
  • Published: December 28, 2018.


  • речевая агрессия
  • неаутентичная речевая агрессия
  • речевое поведение
  • коммуникативные стратегии
  • компьютерно-опосредованная коммуникация
  • speech aggression
  • inauthentic speech aggression
  • verbal behaviour
  • communicative strategies
  • computer-mediated communication


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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