• Original research article
  • February 10, 2019
  • Open access



The article analyses the main genres of the Karachay-Balkarian expatriate community’s prose, the problematic of the prose works. It reveals the factors that influenced the formation of the prose, as well as its specificity in comparison with the poetic genres implemented in the diaspora’s literature. The paper presents an analysis of the plots and motives of the Karachay-Balkarian expatriate community’s prose works. The author pays special attention to the story “The Damned Glade” by H. Botash and its lyrical hero, who found himself in the epicentre of the tragedy that took place in late May - early June, 1945 on the banks of the Austrian river Drau and the nearby forests.


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Author information

Tamara Shamsudinovna Bittirova

Institute for the Humanities Research - Branch of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 10, 2018.
  • Published: February 10, 2019.


  • карачаево-балкарская диаспора
  • фольклорные традиции
  • проза
  • кавказские мухаджиры
  • Х. Боташ
  • Karachay-Balkarian diaspora
  • folklore traditions
  • prose
  • Caucasian Muhajirs
  • H. Botash


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© 2019 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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