• Original research article
  • March 10, 2019
  • Open access



The article deals with poems for children of preschool and school age of the famous modern Kumyk poetess Dzhaminat Kerimova. The author studies the artistic originality of the poetic texts and gives their comparative analysis. The focus is on the thematic range, figurative structure and poetics of the works. In the course of the study, it is revealed that children’s lyrics by Dzh. Kerimova are diverse in subject and intonation. There is deep penetration into the wonderful world of childhood and the presentation of a lively and direct children’s view on the surrounding reality in the poetic texts. The poems are original, full of national colour. It is ascertained that the poetess’s lyric maxims are profound, they reflect edification, didacticism.


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  2. Алхлавова И. Х. Проблема взаимоотношений человека и природы как один из основных мотивов лирики Джаминат Керимовой // Мир науки, культуры и образования. 2018. № 2. С. 445-447.
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  5. Керимова Дж. А. Победительница (Ярыш алгъан къыз). Махачкала: Дагучпедгиз, 1989. 48 с.
  6. Керимова Дж. А. Солнечные часы (Гюнсагьат). Махачкала: Дагучпедгиз, 1985. 28 с.
  7. Мамаева С. М. Избранное: сб. поэзии (Сайламлы асарлары: шигьруланы жыйымы). Махачкала: Дагестанское книжное издательство, 2018. 304 с.
  8. Меджидов А. А. Желтогривый мой (Сариялым). Махачкала: Дагучпедгиз, 1987. 96 с.
  9. Мухамедова Ф. Х. Дагестанская детская литература: историко-литературный очерк. Махачкала: ИЯЛИ ДНЦ РАН, 2001. 377 с.
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Author information

Inna Khumkerkhanovna Alkhlavova

Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Tsadasa of Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 5, 2019.
  • Published: March 10, 2019.


  • Джаминат Керимова
  • советский период
  • дагестанская детская литература
  • средства художественной выразительности
  • антропоморфизм
  • Dzhaminat Kerimova
  • Soviet period
  • Dagestan children’s literature
  • means of artistic expression
  • anthropomorphism


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