The article is devoted to studying chronotope, images, storyline in the works of the Russian-speaking Chechen writer K. Ibragimov. After analysing the features of introspection, symbolic details in the writer’s prose, the paper concludes on the essential role of ritual and mythology in his creative work. In the novel “The History Teacher”, antinomies become special symbols indicating the specificity of the spatial-temporal arrangement of events and characters’ personal collisions. Antinomy functions are considered through prismatic female images organizing the model antinomic to male images. Personification of peculiar aspects of antinomy implemented in characters’ images serves as an innovative method to identify common internal characteristics.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: April 9, 2019.
- Published: June 10, 2019.
- символ
- мифологема
- онтология
- гетерогенные воззрения
- билингвизм
- аллюзии
- архетип
- антропоморфность
- полифония
- К. Ибрагимов
- сравнительные рефракции
- метакомпоненты
- symbol
- mythologeme
- ontology
- heterogeneous beliefs
- bilingualism
- allusions
- archetype
- anthropomorphism
- polyphony
- K. Ibragimov
- comparative refractions
- meta-components
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