• Original research article
  • June 10, 2019
  • Open access



In the article, an attempt is made to analyse the ways of passive constructions translation from English into Russian on the basis of economic texts. Attention is paid to the use of such ways of translation as translation with the help of verbs ending in -ся , similar Russian passive constructions, verbs in active voice, indefinite-personal and impersonal sentences, complex sentences with an impersonal or indefinite-personal main sentence, nouns in the function of the adverbial modifier and phrases. The choice of these ways of translation is substantiated.


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Author information

Viktoriya Petrovna Ipatova

Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force “N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” (Voronezh) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Kalgina

Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force “N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” (Voronezh) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Karolina Sergeevna Perekhodchenko

Military Educational and Scientific Centre of the Air Force “N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy” (Voronezh) of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 21, 2019.
  • Published: June 10, 2019.


  • пассивные конструкции
  • пассивный залог
  • способы перевода с английского языка на русский язык
  • адекватность перевода
  • экономические тексты
  • passive constructions
  • passive voice
  • ways of translation from English into Russian
  • adequacy of translation
  • economic texts


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