• Original research article
  • April 30, 2020
  • Open access

Linguistic Peculiarities of Migrant Writers’ Works (by the Material of the German Language)


The article analyses creative work of the German writers of the fourth migration wave. Stylistic, grammatical and lexical peculiarities of their works, including techniques of grotesque, usage of borrowings and neologisms, are identified. The paper aims to correlate the identified peculiarities with the norm of the German literary language. Originality of the study involves analysing syntactic and lexical peculiarities of the migrant writers’ novels.


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Author information

Evgeniya Viktorovna Biryukova

Moscow City University

Dar'ya Dmitrievna Grishina

Moscow City University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 5, 2020.
  • Published: April 30, 2020.


  • художественный текст
  • писатели-мигранты
  • стилистические особенности
  • синтаксические конструкции
  • грамматическая норма немецкого языка
  • fiction text
  • migrant writers
  • stylistic peculiarities
  • syntactic constructions
  • grammatical norm of the German language


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© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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