• Original research article
  • May 29, 2020
  • Open access

Linguocultural Type “Lady” (by the Material of J. Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”)


The article examines the content of the notion “linguocultural type” and methods for its modeling. The study aims to ascertain notional, figurative and value features of the “lady” type basing on J. Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice”. The research is novel in that it is the first to use this work of classical English literature as a source for studying the type. It was found that the modeled “lady” type is in fact important to the British linguoculture since its notional, figurative and value aspects are reflected in J. Austen’s piece of work.


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Author information

Ol'ga Vasil'evna Danchuk

Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Dar'ya Alekseevna Shakhmaeva

Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 13, 2020.
  • Published: May 29, 2020.


  • lady/леди
  • лингвокультурный типаж
  • моделирование
  • концепт
  • паспорт типажа
  • lady
  • linguocultural type
  • modeling
  • concept
  • type profile


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