• Original research article
  • December 30, 2020
  • Open access

Antonymic and Synonymic Paradigms in Dialectal Phraseology


The article aims to determine paradigmatic activity of dialectal phraseological units presented by the “Dictionary of the Russian Dialects of Bashkiria” edited by Z. P. Zdobnova. Scientific novelty of the work lies in describing the identified dialectal set expressions, which develop paradigmatic relations. Attention is payed primarily to such semantic paradigms of units as synonymic and antonymic ones, which are characterised by complexity and expressiveness due to indefiniteness of phraseological meaning itself. As a result, an analysis of dialectal phraseological synonyms and antonyms from the standpoint of semantics, component composition, structural organisation was conducted. The paradigms considered in the course of the study can be included into a comprehensive dictionary of the Russian dialects and help to replenish dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms. Looking forward, it may be possible to identify and analyse paradigmatic relations of dialectal phraseological units using material from other dictionaries of the Russian dialects.


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Author information

Elmira Radmirovna Mardieva

Neftekamsk Branch of the Bashkir State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 23, 2020.
  • Published: December 30, 2020.


  • диалектная фразеология
  • фразеологические синонимы и антонимы
  • интегральные и дифференциальные семы
  • компонентный состав
  • структурная организация
  • phraseology
  • phraseological synonyms and antonyms
  • integral and differential semes
  • component composition
  • structural organisation


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