The English Proverbs in Titles of Scientific Articles
The study aims to determine relevance of using the popular English proverbs in scientific discourse. The work is carried out using the material of titles of scientific articles dealing with economic topics. The researchers have identified 9 proverbs related to the material aspect of human life, which can be found among titles of research articles. The work describes the structure of the titles that incorporate proverbs, analyses their transformation by authors of the articles. The study is novel in that it assesses the place and describes the functions of such a form of oral lore (genre of folklore) as a proverb in scientific discourse, more specifically, in titles of scientific articles written in English. As a result, it was determined how frequently, in what form and for what purpose authors include proverbs in titles of their scientific works and how the meaning of a proverb is articulated in an article abstract.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 12, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- английские пословицы
- научный дискурс
- заголовки научных статей
- экономическая тематика
- English proverbs
- scientific discourse
- titles of scientific articles
- economic topics
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC