Semantic Analysis of the English Phraseological Units with Verb of Motion in Water as Core Component
The study aims to identify the main semantic features of the English phraseological units with a verb of motion in water as the core component. Along with an analysis of dictionary definitions, the article also carries out a contextual analysis of the considered phraseological units, which allows the researcher to deepen the study of their semantics, as well as to understand specificity of their use. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that these English phraseological units have not been exposed to a comprehensive study either in Russian or in foreign works before. The result of the study was identification of seven different lexical sets of phraseological units, detection of the main semantic and functional features of the phraseological units that were included in the research material.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 28, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- семантика
- фразеологическая единица
- глаголы движения в воде
- тематическая группа
- semantics
- phraseological unit
- verbs of motion in water
- lexical set
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