Cases of Metaphor and Metonymy Convergence and Metaphtonymy Functioning in Advertising Tourist Discourse of Germany
The article aims to determine relationship between metaphor and metonymy. Various approaches to studying these phenomena are considered: contrasting them, defining metonymy as a kind of metaphor, integrating metaphor and metonymy. The functioning specifics of these phenomena in the advertising tourist discourse are demonstrated. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the authors’ approach to analysing the functioning of secondary nomination means from the standpoint of convergence of metaphor and metonymy; the researchers have identified a metaphtonymic blend in the mental model of familiarisation with the outside world, where the metaphoric component is a fundamental one. As a result, metaphtonymic blend is described as a mechanism of emotional influence on a potential client.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 26, 2020.
- Published: February 10, 2021.
- метафора
- метонимия
- метафтонимия
- рекламный туристский дискурс
- метафорический образ
- metaphor
- metonymy
- metaphtonymy
- advertising tourist discourse
- metaphorical image
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