The Predicative and Category of State in Historical Lexicography (by the Materials of “Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XVIII Century”)
The study aims to review the main semantic and grammatical issues associated with lexicographic description of the predicative and the category of state in the Russian language of the XVIII century. The most representative groups of predicatives in terms of quantity are considered in detail: impersonal forms (the category of state), predicatives of modal assessment, as well as evaluative nouns. The derivational patterns reflecting diachronic changes in composition of the predicative class in the studied period of the language history are given. Scientific novelty of the research lies in forming a systemic diachronic approach to solving the issue of semantic-grammatical status of the predicative as a word class, including in the context of lexicographical studies, as well as in developing a method of comprehensive derivational analysis of predicative units from the standpoint of diachronic linguistics. As a result of the study, the author has described the main semantic-syntactic and derivational regularities in functioning of this word class with reference to history of the Russian language of the XVIII century and processes of the grammatical system formation in the modern standard Russian language, has specified the lexical-semantic, derivational, morphological and syntactic status of predicative units of various structural types.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 15, 2020.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- предикатив
- категория состояния
- историческая лексикография
- детерминант
- словообразовательная модель
- predicative
- category of state
- historical lexicography
- determinant
- derivational pattern
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