Contrastive Analysis of Semantics of Phraseological Units of the German Literary Language and Regional Idioms
The purpose of the study is to identify similarities and differences in semantics of phraseological units of the literary German language based on the Wurst component and regional phraseological units that include words of the same root: Weißwurst, Mettwurst, Currywurst, Gelbwurst. Scientific novelty of the described approach lies in considering names of the German sausage varieties not just as hyponyms of the Wurst lexeme but as carriers of transformed meanings which reflect socio-cultural experience of representatives of various local communities. As a result, three types of regional idioms are identified and described: the ones that fully/partially coincide in meaning with idioms of the literary language, the ones that are synonymous with idioms of the literary language and the ones that have completely different meanings, expanding the idea of sausage as a national product of Germany.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 4, 2021.
- Published: April 9, 2021.
- немецкие фразеологизмы
- немецко-русские фразеологические словари
- региональные идиомы
- региональная культура
- кулинарный дискурс
- German phraseological units
- German-Russian phraseological dictionaries
- regional idioms
- regional culture
- culinary discourse
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