“Food” as Special Concept Sphere in the Russian Children’s Poetry of the Great Patriotic War Period
The study aims to identify unique nature and features of realisation of the concept sphere “food” in the Russian children’s poetry about the war. Scientific novelty of the article is accounted for by the lack of consideration of this issue in modern literary criticism and importance of realising the concept sphere “food” in the Russian children’s poetry of the Great Patriotic War period, identification of unique nature of the Russian people’s national identity, comprehension of the great feat of the people as a whole and of a single individual in particular. The attained results have shown significance of the stated issue, which combined archetypal images-symbols with everyday phenomena, tragic circumstances of the era with ordinariness of a number of situations, timeless values in their particular realisation in constructing a comprehensive view of the world.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 27, 2021.
- Published: April 30, 2021.
- военная поэзия
- детская литература
- национальное самосознание
- семейные ценности
- богородичный мотив
- war poetry
- children’s literature
- national identity
- family values
- Theotokos motif
© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC