Dream Motif in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poetry
The study aims to determine the role of the dream motif in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry and creative philosophy and to reveal mechanisms of its realisation. Scientific novelty of the research lies in expanding understanding of thematic range and artistic significance of E. B. Browning’s poetry, since her creative work remains little-studied in the Russian literary criticism. As a result of the research, motivation for and principles of the dream motif formation are determined, E. B. Browning’s own interpretations of the dream phenomenon and ways of its poetic interpretation are considered. Multi-aspect realisation of the dream motif is examined in connection with autobiographical and social factors that defined E. B. Browning’s special role and place in the English poetic tradition.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 25, 2021.
- Published: April 30, 2021.
- Элизабет Барретт Браунинг
- романтизм
- сновидение
- женская поэзия
- мотив сна
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
- Romanticism
- dream
- women’s poetry
- dream motif
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