Dichotomy “Universal/Particular” of Lexical Meaning of Word as Deictic Potential of Indefinite Article
The paper aims to prove that the indefinite article is a paradigmatic deictic correlating with the lexical meaning of a word and having field structure: nuclear of sustainable non-variable features and periphery of variable ones. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that variability is considered as a meta-linguistic feature of the indefinite article. The following conclusions are justified: the indefinite article is a semantic deictic that emphasizes universal features without accentuating specific ones; being a paradigmatic deictic, the indefinite article represents both cataphoric and anaphoric relations, expresses hyponymy as a gender-aspect relation in narrow and broad senses: compatibility of features. Hyponymic relations are observed in associative metaphors, in cases of lexical meaning concretization.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 25, 2020.
- Published: April 30, 2021.
- неопределенный артикль
- вариативность
- лексическое значение слова
- дихотомия «общее и особенное»
- дейктик
- indefinite article
- variability
- lexical meaning of word
- dichotomy “universal/particular”
- deictic
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