Artistic Embodiment of Creative Personalities’ Fates in the Bashkir Drama of the 80-90s of the XX Century
The purpose of the study is to provide an insight into artistic vagaries of certain drama genres. The article deals with artistic representation of the life and work of outstanding representatives of literature and art to which the Bashkir playwrights devote a great deal of attention in their works. In recent years, interest in this topic has been growing due to our authors’ desire to reintroduce to the reader the good name of the people who left a profound mark in the memory of generations with their civic courage and masterful creative work. The study is novel in that it determines the drama genres with the help of which creative personalities’ images were formed in the post-Soviet period of the Bashkir literature, the said genres being dramatic novella and psychological drama. The results have shown that there is a trend for building conflicts based on evolution of ethical norms when forming creative personalities’ images.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: March 9, 2021.
- Published: April 30, 2021.
- драма
- композиция
- типизация
- конфликт
- творческая личность
- drama
- composition
- typisation
- conflict
- creative personality
© 2021 The Author(s)
© 2021 Gramota Publishing, LLC