• Original research article
  • October 29, 2021
  • Open access

Comparative Study of the Figurative Meaning of Adjectives in the Russian and Chinese Lexical Systems


The purpose of the paper is to determine whether there are any differences in the progression of linguistic consciousness based on metaphorical transfer of meaning of colour in the Russian and Chinese languages. Scientific novelty lies in studying meanings of adjectives of colour from the semasiological and onomasiological perspectives. The researchers have compared five similar cases of a secondary figurative meaning of the adjective “red” in Chinese and Russian. The attained results have shown that the adjective “red” possesses a stable positive emotional colouring in the both languages. The hypothesis that there are no differences in the national thinking of Russians and Chinese when interpreting the colour worldview has been confirmed.


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Author information

Alexandra Yur’evna Korbut


Irkutsk State University

Xinhao Hou

Irkutsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 13, 2021.
  • Published: October 29, 2021.


  • русский и китайский языки
  • метафорический перенос
  • метонимический перенос
  • сопоставительный анализ
  • контрастивный анализ
  • Russian and Chinese languages
  • metaphorical transfer
  • metonymic transfer
  • comparative analysis
  • contrastive analysis


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