• Original research article
  • February 28, 2022
  • Open access

Courage as Philosophy of Being (Based on the Creative Work of A. Akhmatova and O. Bergholz during the Great Patriotic War)


The aim of the study is a contrast and comparative analysis of the features of the COURAGE concept embodiment in the creative work of women’s poetry representatives during the Great Patriotic War - A. Akhmatova and O. Bergholz. The scientific originality of the work lies in the methodology and subject of the research chosen by the author: until now, the COURAGE concept in the creative work of A. Akhmatova and O. Bergholz has not been a subject of a special description. As a result of the research, the role of the COURAGE concept in the conceptual spheres of A. Akhmatova’s and O. Bergholz’s creativity in the works of the Great Patriotic War period has been determined; it has been proved that the notion of “courage”, first of all in its moral hypostasis, turns out to be the core of the poetesses’ value attitudes; the similarities and differences of this concept in the structure, content and means of implementation have been identified.


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Author information

Wei Zhang

Moscow Pedagogical State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 16, 2021.
  • Published: February 28, 2022.


  • художественный концепт
  • концепт МУЖЕСТВО
  • поэзия Великой Отечественной войны
  • А. Ахматова
  • О. Берггольц
  • artistic concept
  • COURAGE concept
  • poetry of the Great Patriotic War
  • A. Akhmatova
  • O. Bergholz


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