• Original research article
  • February 28, 2022
  • Open access

Translation of Comics as a Special Type of Synthetic Text


The paper aims to identify the typical features of comics as a special type of synthetic literary text which determine the translation strategy. Adequacy and equivalence of translator’s reception become the main issue, in this case, in the translation of the German original text with peculiar genre specificity connected with graphic representation of a part of the information into the Russian language. The scientific originality of the research consists in syncretic consideration of comics as a heterogeneous system where a graphic novel becomes one of the dynamically developing forms. G. Mouminoux’s graphic novel “Bonaparte SSSR. 1: Endstation Gulag” is introduced into scientific circulation. The results allowed formulating a number of recommendations for translators which take into account the synthetical character of this type of literary text.


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Author information

Elena Vladimirovna Narbut


North-Eastern State University, Magadan

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 25, 2021.
  • Published: February 28, 2022.


  • комикс
  • креолизованный текст
  • графический роман
  • художественный перевод
  • Г. Мумину
  • comics
  • creolized text
  • graphic novel
  • literary translation
  • G. Mouminoux


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