• Original research article
  • February 28, 2022
  • Open access

Main Techniques of Linguistic Economy in Internet Discourse (by the Material of Spanish Social Networks)


The study aims to identify the main techniques of linguistic economy in Spanish Internet communication, based on the material from the Internet discourse of users of social networks popular in Spain (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). Scientific novelty of the paper lies in providing a comprehensive characterisation and classification of the main techniques of economy in the Internet communication in the Spanish language (by the material of social networks), as well as in elaborating grounds for their classification, involving extensive modern material. The results have shown that the trend towards linguistic economy is paramount for Spanish social networks users, it serves to simplify online communication, as well as to increase the speed of information exchange. This phenomenon is accompanied by a deliberate disregard for spelling and grammatical norms of the Spanish language and is in the nature of “ciphering” or labelling linguistic means of the Internet slang among users.


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Author information

Elena Alexeevna Ivlieva


Herzen State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 12, 2022.
  • Published: February 28, 2022.


  • лингвистическая экономия
  • аббревиация
  • опущение
  • интернет-коммуникация
  • социальные сети
  • linguistic economy
  • abbreviation
  • omission
  • Internet communication
  • social networks


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© 2022 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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