• Original research article
  • February 28, 2022
  • Open access

Image of the World Seen by a Child in F. I. Chudakov’s “Spring Extracts” “Philik at the Dacha”


The paper aims to identify the ways to picture the world in F. I. Chudakov’s (1888-1918) “spring extracts” “Philik at the Dacha”. The scientific originality of the research is determined by the fact that it analyzes F. I. Chudakov’s cycle of miniatures in this aspect for the first time. The article studies the features of the representation of the main character’s inner world and the means of creating the images of the outside world which allows clarifying the writer’s idea. The results of the research have shown that the writer implements his idea by picturing the process of “discovering” the world by a child: the external events influence the development of the little character’s inner world, the formation of his personal qualities. The images of nature are created with the help of detailing, personification, defamiliarization. The main means to create the main character’s image include direct and improperly direct speech; picturing the inner state through its external manifestations (gestures, mimics).


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Author information

Natalya Andreyevna Lapteva

Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 10, 2022.
  • Published: February 28, 2022.


  • Ф. И. Чудаков
  • рассказ «Филик на даче»
  • олицетворение
  • остранение
  • миниатюра
  • F. I. Chudakov
  • short story “Philik at the Dacha”
  • personification
  • defamiliarization
  • miniature


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