• Original research article
  • March 31, 2022
  • Open access

Linguoculturological Comparative Analysis of Legal Terminology in Judicial Practice in the USA and Canada


The purpose of the study is to determine the culture-specific features of legal terminology of the American and Canadian English varieties. A part of the study was devoted to analysing the historical context around the formation of judicial and legal systems in the USA and Canada. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the comparative analysis of legal terms belonging to genetically similar judicial and legal systems was based on the principle of taking into account the influence of extralinguistic factors on the patterns of functioning of terms; the main parameters of comparison of legal terminology and its classification were determined. As a result of the comparative analysis, it has been proved that the discrepancies concern both the form and the content of the vocabulary in question.


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Author information

Natalya Fedorovna Mikheeva


Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Elena Aleksandrovna Dmitrieva

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 11, 2022.
  • Published: March 31, 2022.


  • юридический термин
  • судопроизводство в США и Канаде
  • английский язык
  • экстралингвистические факторы
  • сравнительный анализ
  • legal term
  • judicial proceedings in the USA and Canada
  • English language
  • extralinguistic factors
  • comparative analysis


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