• Original research article
  • April 29, 2022
  • Open access

Male Hagioanthroponyms in Spanish Paroemias


The purpose of the research is to shed light on the historical meaning of paroemias (proverbs and sayings) with male hagioanthroponyms in Spanish. The research is novel in that it is the first to take a historical approach to analysing paroemiological units with male hagioanthroponyms, which makes it possible to determine the history of their emergence, identify their semantics, linguocultural features, connotations, transformations. As a result, it has been proved that the history of development of the Spanish language and culture is intrinsically linked with the history of the Catholic Christian Church. The study of paroemias with hagioanthroponyms allows the researchers to determine the history of their emergence in the Spanish language, as well as to identify religious meanings through their semantic characteristics.


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Author information

Liudmila Borisovna Zakharova


Samara State Technical University

Elena Valerievna Zakharova

Moscow Pedagogical State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 10, 2022.
  • Published: April 29, 2022.


  • паремия
  • мужские агиоантропонимы
  • агионимы
  • агиотопоним
  • хрононим
  • paroemia
  • male hagioanthroponyms
  • hagionyms
  • hagiotoponym
  • chrononym


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