• Original research article
  • June 30, 2022
  • Open access

Elite Linguistic Personality: Background of the Issue


The aim of the study is to describe an elite linguistic personality’s features. A language is always in direct connection with a person who is its native speaker. Therefore, the consideration of the linguistic personality notion is of the greatest interest in the context of the native speaker of an elite speech culture. The article analyses the materials related to the theoretical development of the notions of a linguistic personality and its elite variety, models by which it is possible to study this linguistic phenomenon and its specific characteristics. The scientific novelty lies in the systematization of theoretical material on the definition and classification of the linguistic personality notion, as well as in generalizing the content of the works devoted to an elite linguistic personality. The results of the review of the theoretical heritage on the research topic reflect the dependence of the linguistic characteristics of an elite linguistic personality on the complex of intralinguistic and external circumstances of communication in the process of a text generation.


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Author information

Anna Mikhailovna Arefeva

Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, St. Petersburg

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 15, 2022.
  • Published: June 30, 2022.


  • антропоцентрическая лингвистика
  • элитарная языковая личность
  • anthropocentric linguistics
  • elite linguistic personality


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