Neologisms of Psychological Semantics of the Russian and English Languages as a Component of the Linguistic Worldview and an Object of Language Policy and Planning
Neologisms represent a layer of the latest vocabulary of any language. At the same time, the areas with the most intensive coinage of new words traditionally include technology, politics, ecology and economics. A significant number of new vocabulary of psychological semantics has been observed among commonly used vocabulary in the last decade. The study of such neologisms is particularly interesting through a comparative-contrastive lens. The aim of the paper is to assess the potential of neologisms of psychological semantics as a source of information about the linguistic worldview and the most productive ways of adding new words to the vocabulary of the language from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics and sociolinguistics. The neologisms selected for the purposes of the study were divided into semantic groups based on a semantic analysis. A structural analysis made it possible to identify ways of adding new words to the vocabulary of the English and Russian languages. The results of a comparative-contrastive analysis allowed the researchers to describe the differences in the linguistic worldview of the Russian and English languages based on vocabulary of psychological semantics for the first time, as well as the cognitive mechanisms underlying the most productive ways of creating neologisms, which constituted the scientific novelty of the study. As a result, the data on the ways of adding new words to the vocabulary of the English and Russian languages have been actualised, the productive word-formation models and methods of word formation have been identified. The expediency of purifying the Russian language from English-language borrowings has been considered.
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The reported study was conducted based on the results of the research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment of the Financial University.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: September 6, 2022.
- Published: October 10, 2022.
- заимствование
- неологизм
- словообразование
- языковая картина мира
- языковая политика
- borrowing
- neologism
- word formation
- linguistic worldview
- language policy
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