• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

“What Can We Talk about Now, If Not about Gogol’s Letters?”: Yu. F. Samarin on “Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends”


The study aims to find out Yu. F. Samarin’s judgments on N. V. Gogol’s book “Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends”. Scientific originality of the study is determined by the use of little-known archival materials. The paper discusses two Samarin’s autographs, the creation of which is directly related to the publication of Gogol’s work, and his letter to K. S. Aksakov presumably sent in February 1847. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the three texts, the researcher identifies judgments showing what the Slavophile philosopher, publicist and the writer’s addressee could not accept in “Selected Passages...”. In particular, it is noted that the idea of the lack of sincere feeling in the work is very important for Yu. F. Samarin, as well as the idea of Gogol’s erroneous understanding of his own “purpose”: the artist acts as a “benefactor and mentor”. As a result of observations on the genre nature of the manuscript drafts, it has been found that they were created as private letters, although, perhaps they were later meant to have been reworked into an article. By comparing the assessments of the book made in the manuscript drafts with the content of the letter to K. S. Aksakov the researcher has been able to make an assumption that all the three texts were created almost at the same time, i.e. shortly after the publication of “Selected Passages...”.


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The research was funded by the RFBR as a part of project No. 20-012-00139 А “Gogol’s later works («Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends», «On Estates in the State» and <The Author’s Confession>): issues of source studies, textual studies and commenting”.

Author information

Oksana Vladimirovna Gavrilchenko


A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 10, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • Ю. Ф. Самарин
  • Н. В. Гоголь
  • Аксаковы
  • книга «Выбранные места из переписки с друзьями»
  • переписка
  • Yu. F. Samarin
  • N. V. Gogol
  • the Aksakovs
  • book “Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends”
  • correspondence


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