• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Reflection of National Stereotypes in Paroemias with a Name of Sewing and Knitting Tools as a Component in Russian Linguoculture against the Background of Chinese Linguoculture


The aim of the study is to describe the national stereotypes inherent in Russian and Chinese linguocultures that are actualised in paroemias with a name of sewing and knitting tools (needle, knitting needles, awl) as a component. The study is novel in that it is the first attempt to describe the national stereotypes reflecting the world outlook and notions of the carriers of Russian and Chinese linguocultures concerning labour/work and life in general, using the material of a narrow area of the “Tools” phraseosemantic field (paroemias containing names of sewing and knitting tools). As a result, it has been proved that paroemias, in particular proverbs and sayings, reflect events that took place during the historical development of peoples and in a concentrated form communicate folk wisdom, moral ideas, stereotypical attitudes. Both Russian and Chinese proverbs and sayings with a name of sewing and knitting tools as a component reflect the peoples’ ideas about the importance of such human qualities as tenacity, perseverance, which help to achieve excellent results in one’s work. Unlike Chinese linguoculture, in Russian linguoculture there is a stereotype about the hierarchical structure of society, which seems optimal for ensuring labour productivity; a similar idea is not recorded in the Chinese national consciousness. In addition, a Russian person, unlike a Chinese person, is characterised by their devotion to work, willingness to labour for the benefit of others.


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Author information

Yue Liu

Saint Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 15, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • паремия русского языка
  • паремия китайского языка
  • номинант инструмента
  • лингвокультурный анализ
  • национальный стереотип
  • Russian language paroemia
  • Chinese language paroemia
  • tool name
  • linguocultural analysis
  • national stereotype


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