• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Specifics of the First Autobiographical Narratives of the Northern Literature of Yakutia (“The Life of Imteurgin Senior” by T. Odulok, “My Childhood” by N. Tarabukin)


The study aims to identify the properties and features of an autobiographical narrative in the first epic works of the northern literature of Yakutia (the Yukaghir novella “The Life of Imteurgin Senior” by T. Odulok and the Even novella “My Childhood” by N. Tarabukin). The paper examines the structure and type of narrative that determined the singularity of the genre and compositional-speech organisation of these works. The researcher traces the formation and specificity of autobiographical narrative forms in the northern literature of Yakutia, the development of the plot and chronotope of the novellas from the perspective of the author’s view of himself and history, as well as the functioning of autobiographical elements in the texts. The study is original in that it is the first to analyse the forms of expression of the “author’s self” (the author - autobiographical protagonist, the author-narrator, the author as a “prototype” of the protagonist, i.e. the biographical author as a “special subject of depiction” but not equal to the author-narrator), the correlation between the chronotopes of the protagonist and the author, biographical, historical and subjective time and space. As a result, the features of manifestation of the narrator, the character and the author in T. Odulok’s novella and the interaction of the author, the adult narrator and the child protagonist in N. Tarabukin’s novella have been determined.


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Author information

Zhanna Valerievna Burtseva


The Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North (IHRISN), Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Yakutsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 12, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • автобиографическое повествование
  • северная литература Якутии
  • автобиографический герой
  • Тэки Одулок
  • Николай Тарабукин
  • autobiographical narrative
  • northern literature of Yakutia
  • autobiographical protagonist
  • Teki Odulok
  • Nikolay Tarabukin


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