• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Names of Premises and Outbuildings Adjacent to Residential Part of House in Arkhangelsk Region Dialects


The aim of the study is to describe the dialect names belonging to the thematic group “Premises and outbuildings adjacent to the residential part of the house”, namely: “The premises above the izba (a conventional Russian farmstead)”, “The premises under the izba with an entrance from the izba; premises with an entrance from the street”, with the involvement of historical, explanatory and dialect dictionaries (based on the dialects of the Arkhangelsk region). The article clarifies the semantics of the nominations under consideration, notes the fixation of words in written records, and gives names that have several meanings, both within the same dialect and in different districts of the Arkhangelsk region. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of a number of dialect names of premises and outbuildings adjacent to the residential part of the house, not noted in the works of dialectologists. At the same time, the need for a comprehensive analysis of the words included in the lexical group “Names of premises and outbuildings adjacent to the residential part of the house” is caused by their insufficient study in historical, lexicographic and linguo-geographic aspects. The analysed vocabulary is systematized by thematic groups. The local names of premises and outbuildings, as well as the meanings of lexemes typical of certain districts of the Arkhangelsk region, are indicated. The original language material recorded in the course of dialectological expeditions is given. As a result of the study, the analysis have shown that the vocabulary denoting premises and outbuildings in the Arkhangelsk dialects was in active reserve for many centuries, and was used in the Russian people’s speech. These words are still present in the speech of residents of the northern regions.


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Author information

Andzhela Magomed-Gadzhievna Kuzmina

Arkhangelsk Regional Institute of Open Education

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 7, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • говоры Архангельской области
  • лексикографический анализ слов
  • лингвогеографический анализ слов
  • помещения хозяйственного назначения
  • пристройки
  • dialects of the Arkhangelsk region
  • lexicographic analysis of words
  • linguo-geographic analysis of words
  • premises
  • outbuildings


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