• Original research article
  • January 31, 2023
  • Open access

Means of “Delegitimisation” of the Topic “Xinjiang Cotton” in the Media Discourse of the Russian Mass Media: A Discourse-Historical Analysis


The study aims to identify the means of “delegitimisation” of the topic “Xinjiang Cotton” based on a corpus of texts of the Russian mass media within the framework of the discourse-historical approach. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the ways of using the data of a linguistic corpus in the discourse analysis and in revealing the socio-political reality constructed on the topic “Xinjiang Cotton” in the media discourse of the Russian mass media within the framework of the discourse-historical approach. On the basis of the 59 media texts selected, a linguistic corpus is created, the discourse topic and discursive strategies (the nomination strategy, the predication strategy, the argumentation strategy and the perspectivisation strategy) reflecting the implicit attitudes of the discourse subject are analysed in a comprehensive manner. As a result of the analysis of the media discourse, it has been found that the positive characteristic of the Chinese side and the negative representation of the American side are formed in relation to the “cotton war”. The goal of the discursive construction of “delegitimisation” of the cotton issue in Xinjiang is achieved in the implementation of the discursive strategies using emotional-evaluative vocabulary, the topoi of uselessness and reality, as well as the tone of quotations.


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The reported study was funded by the National Foundation for Social Sciences and Humanities as a part of scientific project No. 20byy221 “Research on the construction and mechanism of the translation discourse of a Russian database within the framework of the Chinese political discourse in the new era”.

Author information

Yuan Tao


Southeast University, Nanjing, The People’s Republic of China

Yujing Lyu

The People’s Republic of China

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 16, 2022.
  • Published: January 31, 2023.


  • дискурсивные стратегии
  • делегитимация
  • медиадискурс
  • дискурсивно-исторический анализ
  • лингвистический корпус
  • discursive strategies
  • delegitimisation
  • media discourse
  • discourse-historical analysis
  • linguistic corpus


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