• Original research article
  • February 28, 2023
  • Open access

Fantastic Elements in LitRPG Novels (“The Rule of the Clans” by Dema Mikhailov, “Play to Live. Disruption” by D. Rus, “The Way of the Shaman. The Beginning of the Way” by V. Makhanenko)


The aim of the study is to identify the fantastic elements of a new genre of literature - litRPG (literary role-playing game). The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the genre features of fiction in the works of litRPG are systematized and described using the example of several Russian authors’ works. The study presents a comparative analysis of the fantastic elements of the novels “The Rule of the Clans” by Dem Mikhailov, “Play to Live. Disruption” by D. Rus, “The Way of the Shaman. The Beginning of the Way” by V. Makhanenko (the title books in the key series were selected). The author considers the original nature of the created virtual worlds and finds a common vector of their development. As a result, it is proved that litRPG develops according to the general laws of fiction, and the genre-forming element is a computer game: the conditional reality of the events taking place in the new genre is replaced by the virtual reality of multiplayer computer games; the newly created worlds are an imitation of Medieval Europe combined with fiction; the main character is an ordinary person who enters the Other (virtual) world and acquires a new personality - a game character; in each novel, there are parallel game and earthly worlds that interact and change each other, and in addition to the combat storyline, there is a love one.


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Author information

Elena Yurievna Lisitsyna


The Institute of the Pedagogical Education and Management (affiliate) of the V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Armyansk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 17, 2022.
  • Published: February 28, 2023.


  • фантастика
  • литРПГ
  • виртуальная реальность
  • игра
  • fiction
  • litRPG (literary role-playing game)
  • virtual reality
  • game


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