• Original research article
  • March 31, 2023
  • Open access

Rare Lexical Units with the Meaning of a Person in the Records of the Kazan Region of the XVI-XVII Centuries


The aim of the study is to define the rare names with the meaning of a person from business documents of the Kazan region of the 16th-17th centuries based on word-formation and contextual analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the selection of lexical units that are not recorded in the historical lexicography of the Russian language. An analysis of the words chosen on the basis of this principle shows that a significant part of them are word-forming synonyms for lexical units fixed by historical dictionaries of the Russian language, some examples represent the phenomenon of word-forming homonymy. A number of names have a later fixation in historical lexicography, some names are dialectal in nature, and there was also one borrowing. In defining the semantics of these lexical units, in rare cases, the narrow context of their use in records matters. As a result, the significance of the genre affiliation of records for the lexical and derivational characteristics of the studied lexical units, as well as the importance of the regularity of word-formation models that were productive in that period, for defining their meaning was proved. The article introduces a number of new designations of a person into lexicographic circulation.


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Author information

Nataliya Gennadyevna Nikolaeva


Kazan State Medical University

Rimma Raisovna Khusainova

Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N. E. Bauman

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: January 21, 2023.
  • Published: March 31, 2023.


  • деловая письменность
  • nomina agentis
  • редкая лексика
  • региональная лексика
  • историческое словообразование
  • business writing
  • rare vocabulary
  • regional vocabulary
  • historical word formation


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