• Original research article
  • March 31, 2023
  • Open access

Geopoetics of Siberia in S. I. Kartsevsky's Prose of the Early XX Century


The aim of the research is to identify the singularity of the geopoetic image of Siberia in the 1906-1917 autobiographical prose of an eminent linguist of the XX century S. I. Kartsevsky. The literary heritage of S. I. Kartsevsky for the first time becomes an analytical object of literary analysis and is considered from the viewpoint of the phenomenon of geopoetic experience of Siberia, which determines the scientific novelty of the work. For S. I. Kartsevsky, Tobolsk Governorate at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries is a dichotomous locus, it is both homeland and foreign land. The experience of travelling determined the geopoetic dominant of the authors consciousness, expressed in the artistic representation of the oppositional categories of ones own and alien. The paper identifies the conceptual foundations of the sensory-bodily experience of the Siberian land in Kartsevsky’s prose, explores the narrative strategy, examines the features of spatial metaphors, on the basis of which the geopoetic image of Tobolsk Governorate of the early XX century is built. The research findings have shown that the geopoetics of Siberia in S. I. Kartsevsky’s prose is built on the basis of a special concept of ones own and alien; the phenomenological attitude of the author correlates with the principle of tabula rasa; the geopoetic metaphors of a net, fabric, shroud, sleep become the key ones in the Siberian text of the writer.


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Author information

Alyona Igorevna Pershina

Tyumen State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 13, 2023.
  • Published: March 31, 2023.


  • геопоэтика
  • сибирский текст
  • С. И. Карцевский
  • автобиографическая проза
  • Тобольская губерния
  • конфликт «своего» и «чужого»
  • geopoetics
  • Siberian text
  • S. I. Kartsevsky
  • autobiographical prose
  • Tobolsk Governorate
  • conflict of "one's own" and "alien"


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