• Original research article
  • April 28, 2023
  • Open access

Synthesis of Eastern and Chuvash poetic traditions in the poetry of Peder Yakkusen


The research aims to determine the features of the synthesis of Eastern and Chuvash poetic traditions in the creative work of the Chuvash poet Peder Yakkusen (Yakovlev Peter Yakovlevich). The paper examines the peculiarity of the use of images of nature, the behaviour of the persona, vocabulary that requires interpretation from the field of Chuvash mythology, history, literary classics. The research is novel in that it is the first to consider the poet’s creative work in the aspect of comparative studies, more precisely in comparison with the traditions of Eastern literature. The authors have analysed P. Yakkusen’s lyrical works published in the collection ‘Кĕмел кимĕ’ (‘Silver Boat’, 2010), have identified references to the traditions of Eastern (Chinese) poetry, which manifest themselves at the levels of lexis, images, pathos, symbolism, details of the poems. The research findings have shown that the main features of P. Yakkusen’s lyrical poetry, such as paying attention to little and insignificant details of the surrounding world, thinking about the unity of good and evil, are a manifestation of the traditions of the Chuvash worldview, which is similar to Eastern teachings. Reflection on the fate of the native language and people, the image of the unity of nature and man are the main motifs in the poet’s creative work.


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Author information

Irina Vladimirovna Sofronova


Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary

Olga Gennadiyevna Vladimirova


Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 11, 2023.
  • Published: April 28, 2023.


  • П. Яккусен
  • поэзия
  • образ природы
  • художественный мифологизм
  • чувашский мир
  • P. Yakkusen
  • poetry
  • image of nature
  • artistic mythologism
  • Chuvash world


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