• Original research article
  • April 28, 2023
  • Open access

Pragmalinguistic and syntactic features of interjections in the Kabardian-Circassian language


The aim of the research is to identify the pragmatic potential of interjections of the Kabardian-Circassian language from the dialogical, pragmatic perspectives, i.e. their roles in encouraging interlocutors to engage in dialogue and forming communication. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in the fact that the pragmalinguistic analysis of interjections of the Adyghe languages has become the object of research for the first time. The paper is the first to determine that the main function of linguistic pragmatics of these expressions in the Kabardian-Circassian language is choosing a certain interjection in a specific speech situation. Interjections occur in different positions in a sentence (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end), which also conditions the degree of expressiveness of an utterance. The research findings have shown that interjections perform two main functions in utterances: the manifestation of an emotional attitude and the establishment of communication, thereby confirming the inseparable connection of their syntactic and pragmatic roles. It has been proved that an interjection is added to a speech act unconsciously and depends both on the personal qualities of the speaker and on the level of emotional intensity of the situation. One of the main features of interjections is the ability to carry the semantic load of the entire utterance while replacing the whole sentence.


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Author information

Andgela Anatolevna Afaunova


Institute for the Humanities Research – Affiliated Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHR KBSC RAS), Nalchik

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 13, 2023.
  • Published: April 28, 2023.


  • кабардино-черкесский язык
  • дискурс
  • прагмалингвистика
  • синтаксис
  • междометия
  • Kabardian-Circassian language
  • discourse
  • pragmalinguistics
  • syntax
  • interjections


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