• Original research article
  • May 17, 2023
  • Open access

Linguo-axiological aspect of studying the correlation between dialect derivatives with the suffix -уш/а and the value paradigm of the Orthodox spirituality space


The research aims to describe the specifics of functioning of the derivative dialect vocabulary with the suffix -уш/а in the space of axiological dominants of a Russian speaker. The involvement of Russian subdialects allows the researchers to trace the mechanisms of explication of the system of values associated with Christian culture in the word-formation system of dialect derivatives, in which a dialect speaker intuitively chooses components for the verbalisation not only of the realities of the surrounding world, but also of his attitude to them. The scientific novelty of the research lies in determining the pejorativeness of the meaning of a derivative, highlighted in the context of its use, which indicates the processes of linguistic “stigmatisation” of a person who departs in their daily activities from prescribed moral and ethical norms, in their nature repeating the axiological paradigm of the texts of the Bible and the Holy Fathers. The researchers identified thematic groups of derivatives with the suffix -уш/а that are heterogeneous in their quantitative composition; it is important to note that the number of derivatives in each of the groups reflects not a high/low degree of significance of one or another aspect of human activity, but the value of people’s “proper/improper” collective behavior. As a result, it has been proved that with the help of the word-formation suffix -уш/а, the assessments of a person in the Orthodox world are actualised in the aspect of family and friendly relations, in the aspect of interaction with material values, in their attitude to physical labour, food and, finally, to faith.


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Author information

Pavel Alekseevich Katyshev


A. S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language, Moscow

Anastasia Alexandrovna Lushpey

Kemerovo State Institute of Culture

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 21, 2023.
  • Published: May 17, 2023.


  • русские говоры
  • производная лексика
  • аксиология
  • православие
  • Russian subdialects
  • derivative vocabulary
  • axiology
  • Orthodoxy


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