• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Phonostylistic argumentation techniques in audio advertising


The aim of the study is to identify the features of phonostylistic argumentation means in an advertising audio text that influence the effectiveness of the transmission of factual information. Audio advertising is one of the striking examples of emotionally charged speech, where the presented information is perceived through an acoustic channel. Argumentation in audio advertising is carried out not only at the lexical and syntactic level, but also at the phonetic level. Phonostylistic techniques optimize the perception of an audio text and also contribute to the memorization of the advertising message. The paper provides examples of the use of phonostylistic techniques in audio advertising that have an argumentative effect on the addressee. The scientific novelty lies in the description and systematization of phonostylistic techniques of sounding speech as elements of argumentation in audio advertising. It is the first time that auditory analysis has been used to establish the dependence of intonation characteristics and nonverbal audio means on the type of speech (monologue or dialogue) presented in audio advertising. As a result, it has been proved that argumentation in an audio advertising text is a way of speech influence on the audience, which is implemented with the help of emotional and psychological arguments. Linguistic means of expressiveness and phonetic means of speech influence make advertising more convincing and attention-getting.


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Author information

Nina Leonidovna Fedotova


St. Petersburg University

Snezhana Vasilievna Yerzheninova

St. Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 1, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • аргументация
  • аудиореклама
  • фоностилистика
  • фоностилистические средства
  • приемы убеждения
  • argumentation
  • audio advertising
  • phonostilistics
  • phonostilistic means
  • persuasion techniques


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