• Original research article
  • July 10, 2023
  • Open access

A stranger among their own: The representation of the image of the Other in the Ossetian poetry of the late 19th century – the early 20th century (G. M. Tsagolov, D. A. Gatuev)


The aim of the work is to determine the problem of self-identification of the individual within the archaic ethnic community in the era of active growth of modernist self-awareness using the example of the poems by G. M. Tsagolov and D. A. Gatuev. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in determining how the phenomenon of the “Other” is interpreted in the Ossetian poetry of the late 19th century – the early 20th century, it is the first time in the history of national literary studies that the themes of bilingual personality formation in the analyzed poetic texts are covered. The poetry of Tsagolov and Gatuev reveals the path of a person’s development in a society where individuality conflicts with retrograde norms and stereotypes. The uniqueness of the nature of G. M. Tsagolov’s and D. A. Gatuev’s lyrical subjects is complemented by the traditional confrontation between the genius and the masses, the poet and the commoners. The work analyzes both the common features of otherness peculiar to the heroes of Tsagolov’s and Gatuev’s poetry, as well as their differences. As a result of the study, the facets of the formation of the lyrical I are outlined within the framework of the dichotomy “other/stranger”: the opposition of the progressive mind and the world of ancestral traditions, the impossibility of having a dialogue within the society, different definitions of the aspects of solitude (forced, individual, existential).


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Author information

Dzerassa Kazbekovna Khetagurova


Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 3, 2023.
  • Published: July 10, 2023.


  • дихотомия «другой/чужой»
  • образ Другого
  • осетинская литература
  • Г. М. Цаголов
  • Д. А. Гатуев
  • dichotomy “other/stranger”
  • image of the Other
  • Ossetian literature
  • G. M. Tsagolov
  • D. A. Gatuev


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