• Original research article
  • July 10, 2023
  • Open access

The space-time organisation of R. Töpffer’s novella “The Great St Bernard”


The aim of the research is to identify the uniqueness of space and time in R. Töpffer’s novella “The Great St Bernard” (“Le Grand Saint-Bernard”), which determines the specifics of his artistic world. The paper is original in that it is the first to consider the chronotope features of R. Töpffer’s novella “The Great St Bernard”. The research findings showed that the chronotope of the work is specific in its characteristics, undergoes deformation and transformation. The analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the novella under study made it possible to distinguish four types of the chronotope: the chronotope of the monastery, the chronotope of the road, the chronotope of the garden, the Werther chronotope. With the help of the space-time continuum, R. Töpffer reveals the characters’ nature in the novella. The perception of space is closely related to the feelings experienced by the characters. The ambiguous perception of space by different characters under different conditions is a distinctive feature of the Swiss writer’s work. The elements of the idyllic chronotope, i.e. “locus amoenus”, the solitude of life in nature, the topos of the Swiss Alps, acquire a touch of irony in R. Töpffer’s novella. An open space is mainly presented, which, in our opinion, can be explained by the interdependence of the characters and the surrounding world.


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Author information

Alexandra Naumovna Anisimova


Moscow City Pedagogical University, Samara branch

Yulia Ivanovna Efremova


Samara State University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 13, 2023.
  • Published: July 10, 2023.


  • швейцарская литература
  • Р. Тёпфер
  • новелла
  • хронотоп
  • идиллическое пространство
  • Swiss literature
  • R. Töpffer
  • novella
  • chronotope
  • idyllic space


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