• Original research article
  • July 10, 2023
  • Open access

Features of using constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible in federal, regional and city newspapers


The study aims to compare the representation of constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible in federal, regional and city newspapers, identifying common and specific features, namely: the frequency of constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible, the reasons for their use in newspaper texts, the compatibility of constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible with lexical units, language preferences of the authors of texts (the gender aspect). The study is novel in that it is the first to identify the common and specific features of using constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible in federal, regional and city newspapers. It is the first time that the gender correlation in the use of constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible in newspaper texts has been found. As a result, the common and specific features of using constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible have been revealed. Constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible in federal, regional and city newspapers have the common features of evaluativeness and emotionality: they mark the names of emotions, feelings, sensations; they serve to attract the reader to the published information in order to influence them. The specific features include the following: in federal newspapers, constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible are more frequent than in the city press; in the texts of federal newspapers, one-word constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible predominate, while in a city newspaper, constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible are prevalent as parts of phrases. It has been found that constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible are mainly used by female authors; there are no texts in which the semantics of the inexpressible would label negative feelings and emotions in a city newspaper.


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Author information

Natalia Nikolaevna Nemich

Branch of the Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force “Air Force Academy named after professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Y. A. Gagarin” in Syzran

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 13, 2023.
  • Published: July 10, 2023.


  • семантика невыразимого
  • федеральная, региональная и городская пресса
  • гендерный аспект
  • конституенты семантики невыразимого
  • оценочность и эмоциональность
  • semantics of the inexpressible
  • federal, regional and city press
  • gender aspect
  • constituents of the semantics of the inexpressible
  • evaluativeness and emotionality


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