Documentary fiction novellas by G. A. Khodyrev in the series “Our Heroes” of Udmurt book publishing
The paper considers the works included in the series of military-patriotic books for young people “Our Heroes”. Founded in 1968, this series consists of books by Udmurt writers about fellow Udmurt heroes, the Great Patriotic War veterans. The documentary fiction novellas of the national writer of the republic G. A. Khodyrev “The Eagle: The Tale of Pyotr Babkin” (1969; co-author V. V. Golubev) and “Soldier Spyridon Strelkov” (1976) were among the most prominent books in the series. The aim of the study is to identify the ways of reality reflection in the Udmurt documentary fiction prose for children and adolescents that uses the human experience of war heroes as the material and document as the medium as exemplified in the creative work of Herman Alekseevich Khodyrev (1932-1995). Scientific novelty lies in the following: it is the first time that based on the material of G. A. Khodyrev’s novellas, the role and place of the documentary-factual principle in Udmurt prose for children and adolescents were examined, the features of the aesthetic assimilation of the fact as the most important part of the poetics of a work were determined. The results of the study suggest that in the Udmurt children’s literature of the late 1960s – mid-1980s, documentary fiction works appear in which the image of a real hero is recreated through the use of the authentic facts and human fates of the Great Patriotic War period. G. A. Khodyrev’s novellas published in the series “Our Heroes” are characterised by the fact that the author managed to show the synthesis of universal national heroism and the manifestation of the individual human spirit in war. In his prose, such qualities of the “series” as a clear image of a real young hero’s formation against the background of specific historical events, the appeal to children’s perception through the memories technique, the lyrical descriptions of the nature of the native land, the author’s focus on activating the educational role of literature, the transformation of dry “newspaper” language into vivid, imaginative artistic speech are manifested.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 15, 2023.
- Published: August 29, 2023.
- удмуртская детская и подростковая литература
- книжная серия «Наши герои» издательства «Удмуртия»
- художественно-документальная проза
- Г. А. Ходырев
- Udmurt literature for children and adolescents
- book series “Our Heroes” of the publishing house “Udmurtia”
- documentary fiction prose
- G. A. Khodyrev
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