Functional homonymy and punctuation problems in the modern Ossetian language
The paper is devoted to the study of the relationship between the phenomenon of functional homonymy and punctuation of a simple expanded sentence in the modern Ossetian language. The aim of the research is to identify the conditions for the functioning of positionally free particles in the role of actualisers of shades of meaning, sentence members or parenthetical words and the grounds for their separation with punctuation marks / lack thereof. The research is novel in that it is the first in Ossetian studies to carry out a functional analysis of a group of semantically heterogeneous particles with the ability to move freely in a sentence. The research findings showed the following: a small part of the specified group of particles has the sole function of accentuating the content of one sentence member (as a rule, the predicate). The vast majority of movable semantic particles are the components of complexes of homonyms. The part-of-speech status of each of the homonyms can be determined only in context, by analysing its position relative to the word to which it belongs, its belonging to a clitic group, a set of grammatical categories and some other features. It was also shown that the punctuation of parenthetical words, homonymous particles depends on their position relative to the predicate and clitics.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 16, 2023.
- Published: August 29, 2023.
- осетинский язык
- разноместные частицы
- функциональные омонимы
- вводные слова
- пунктуационное оформление
- Ossetian language
- movable particles
- functional homonyms
- parenthetical words
- punctuation
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