“Witches” and “valkyries” of the guardian of antiquities: On the typification of female images in the duology by Yu. Dombrovsky
The aim of the study is to identify the ways of typification of female images in Yu. Dombrovsky’s duology “The Guardian of Antiquities” and “The Faculty of Useless Knowledge”. As a result of the analysis, it was found that typification takes place at three levels: mythological, socio-historical and at the level of mass culture. At the same time, all the levels are connected by the author’s consciousness, which is defined as archaeological and androcentric. The mythologisation of the artistic world of the duology is explained by the specifics of the “archaeological” type of consciousness as one of the variants of the author’s “self” presented in the text. It is found that the female characters in Dombrovsky’s duology are variants of the “witch” archetype, they have a connection with myth and ritual, they remain “prophetesses”, “maidens of fate”, creating written texts in social reality: complaints, protocols and denunciations. The typification of female images also occurs with the help of the stereotypes of contemporary mass culture individually processed by the author. The study is original in that it is the first to analyse the androcentric paradigm of world understanding and modelling in Yu. Dombrovsky’s duology, where male norms and scenarios of conduct in life are claimed to be universal. “Physicality” as sexuality becomes a criterion for evaluating female characters.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 15, 2023.
- Published: September 1, 2023.
- Ю. Домбровский
- дилогия
- андроцентризм
- десакрализация мифа
- постмодернизм
- Yu. Dombrovsky
- duology
- androcentrism
- myth desacralisation
- postmodernism
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