• Original research article
  • September 1, 2023
  • Open access

A. B. Yaroslavsky’s creative work during the revolutionary transformations of 1917: From the poetic feuilleton to the origins of the poetry of biocosmism


The research aims to identify the features and nature of the evolution of A. B. Yaroslavsky’s poetic works in the conditions of the revolutionary transformations of 1917. The scientific novelty of the research lies in determining the ideological, figurative, stylistic and phonic levels of the structure of A. B. Yaroslavsky’s poems, which has not been done before in Russian literary studies. As a result, it has been proved that in the creative work of A. B. Yaroslavsky, the predominant genre is represented by the poetic feuilleton, where the author raises the issues of life in Vladivostok in 1917 that concern him and the problems of the revolutionary process development. At the same time, by employing the ode genre, it is possible to comprehend the persona’s place in the world from a philosophical standpoint, as well as the mechanisms and ethics of social progress in the poet’s notions. It can be concluded that this very period of A. B. Yaroslavsky’s oeuvre saw the formation of prerequisites for the poetry of biocosmism, in the creation of which the poet would take an active part in the early 1920s.


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Author information

Stanislav Vadimovich Slivko


Pacific National University, Khabarovsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 16, 2023.
  • Published: September 1, 2023.


  • А. Б. Ярославский
  • ода
  • стихотворный фельетон
  • биокосмизм
  • революции 1917 г.
  • A. B. Yaroslavsky
  • ode
  • poetic feuilleton
  • biocosmism
  • revolutions of 1917


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