Images of nature in the lyric poetry of Badrutdin Magomedov
The study aims to identify the features of images of nature in B. Magomedov’s poetry. Based on the material of lyrical texts included in the poetry collections “Joy” (Сююнчю), “My Happiness” (Ирисим), “Letter to My Father” (Атама кагъыз), “Honey Troughs” (Балчаралар), “Tears of the Night” (Гечени гёзьяшлары), “Dinner Prayer” (Тюш намаз), “Good Tidings”, the artistic functions of the images of nature representing the philosophical worldview and mentality of the writer, as well as characterising the persona in a certain way are revealed. The paper focuses on the artistic originality, figurative structure and poetics of the works. The scientific novelty of the paper consists in identifying the unique images of native nature in the analysed lyrical texts by Badrutdin Magomedov, in determining the relationship between man and the surrounding world, which reflects the pronounced national identity and originality of the writer. The specified topic is being investigated for the first time from this perspective. As a result, it has been proved that images of nature occupy an essential place in the poetry of Badrutdin Magomedov and reflect not only the inner world of the persona, but also all kinds of aspects of the human universe. Images of nature are anthropomorphic, contain a certain symbolism and also carry a deep philosophical meaning. The analysed lyrical texts made it possible to determine the writer’s attitude to his native nature, to human life in the mortal world. The landscapes presented in B. Magomedov’s poetic heritage attract attention by conciseness, abundance of motifs, combination of the philosophical aspect.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 14, 2023.
- Published: September 4, 2023.
- Бадрутдин Магомедов
- современная кумыкская поэзия
- природный образ
- пейзажная лирика
- философский аспект
- Badrutdin Magomedov
- modern Kumyk poetry
- image of nature
- landscape poetry
- philosophical aspect
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