The path-road to the stars: On the specifics of transformation of the folklore magical fairy-tale tradition in A. Belyaev’s novel “Kets Star”
The paper aims to determine how the folklore magical fairy-tale tradition is reinterpreted in A. Belyaev’s novel “Kets Star” (1936). The paper is original in that it is the first to analyze the specifics of the functioning of traditional elements of fairy-tale poetics forming the path-road complex, which appears in the novel as an initiation journey, and to characterize a new type of a scientist protagonist of the 1930s, who follows this path. As a result of the research, it has been found that the protagonist’s movement from shortage to its elimination through the passage of border loci characterized by the synthesis of the features of “one’s own” and “foreign” spaces ensures the protagonist’s transition to a qualitatively new state. The path-road is understood as the protagonist’s initiation in the process of which the scientific study and transformation of the world is associated with the self-realisation of the cognizer. The transformation of “foreign” into “one’s own” does not appear to be a miracle, but a natural result of the hard work of all mankind. Solitary scientists from Belyaev’s 1920s novels are replaced by a hard-working scientist for whom the support of a team of like-minded people is of great importance. While Artemyev’s journey has an end, the path-road of humanity to the stars is depicted as a fundamentally endless movement, an important component in the evolution of knowledge of the surrounding world and self-knowledge.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: July 31, 2023.
- Published: September 6, 2023.
- А. Беляев
- фантастика
- сказка
- путь-дорога
- фольклор
- A. Belyaev
- science fiction
- fairy tale
- path-road
- folklore
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