• Original research article
  • September 11, 2023
  • Open access

Verbal empathy in the functional and pragmatic focus (on the material of the French language)


The aim of the research is to determine the functional-pragmatic structure of reactive empathetic messages in the situation of emotional suppression experienced by the initiator of communication. For the first time, an attempt has been made to consider the verbal manifestation of the empathetic sphere of compassion from the perspective of its functioning in combination with a speech act analysis of the mechanisms implementing the identified functions, based on the material of the French language. Unlike the previously proposed speech act representation of empathetic speech behavior within a pragmatic approach, the use of a functional method allows for the establishment of the previously unstudied functional-pragmatic structural organization of the verbal manifestation of empathetic response, thus explaining the scientific novelty of the work. As a result, the fundamental concepts characterizing the pragmatic structure of verbal empathy are refined: illocutionary empative, empathetic illocutionary function. The functional and speech-act tools for intentional realization of empathetic utterances by the reacting addressee are identified, which, according to the author, allows for the modeling of the functional-pragmatic structure of empathetic messages in compassionate communication. A dominant illocutionary function with subordinate empathetic subfunctions of various speech-act representations is distinguished.


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Author information

Anna Alexandrovna Ben Shushan


Ufa University of Science and Technology

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 2, 2023.
  • Published: September 11, 2023.


  • вербальная эмпатия
  • иллокуция
  • функция
  • речевой механизм
  • ситуация сопереживания
  • verbal empathy
  • illocution
  • function
  • speech mechanism
  • situation of empathy


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