• Original research article
  • September 27, 2023
  • Open access

Simple one-part sentences and their classification in the Ingush language (based on the material of S. I. Chakhkiev’s novel “Wolf Nights”)


The aim of the research is to identify the structural and semantic features of simple one-part sentences in the Ingush language. The paper is original in that it is the first to determine the features of the structure and semantics of one-part sentences involving the material of the Ingush language, as well as the ways of expressing the principal parts in the syntactic constructions under study in the novel “Wolf Nights” by the famous Ingush writer S. I. Chakhkiev. As a result of the research, the predominance of definite-personal and impersonal structural and semantic types of one-part sentences has been established. The impersonal sentences where the main way of expressing a principal part is a word belonging to the category of state are the most widespread ones in the text of the novel. It has been proved that the frequent use of one-part sentences is one of the characteristic features of the modern Ingush language. It has been shown that each structural and semantic type of a simple one-part sentence has its own structural features, distribution and stylistic usage. It has been noted that one-part sentences in the Ingush language are often included into complex sentences with syndetic and asyndetic coordination.


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Author information

Aset Zakreevna Gandaloeva


Ingush State University, Magas

El’za Alikhanovna Ausheva


Ingush State University, Magas

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 5, 2023.
  • Published: September 27, 2023.


  • ингушский язык
  • односоставные предложения
  • структура
  • грамматическая основа
  • классификация
  • Ingush language
  • one-part sentences
  • structure
  • clause
  • classification


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